Doug Ponsonby Design ]


The Dissertation & Dissertation Reincarnate :


“How environmentalism is becoming mainstream in politics”

This anthropological analysis of social design’s impact on public opinion. I looked at what events, actions and reactions lead to a shifting national mentality around the environmental movement. This study influenced the environmental work I subsequently undertook. Evaluating the movement though the lens of pragmatics and efficiency allowed me to understand the counterproductive nature of anarchic, counter-culture environmentalism. This allowed my subsequent projects to adapt and work efficiently within the systems that already exist.

Within this section the are the two iterations of my dissertation, each a reflection of an aspect of the writing itself.

 “Environmental awareness has existed within politics to a certain degree for as long as there has been people advocating for it, as democratic political views will to some extent reflect the voting population. However, I look at its transition to a ‘mainstream’ attitude within politics.“

 The first the academic embodiment, the form that allows the asorb what lies within free from visual agenda. This, the original, allows the reader to digest the concepts discussed, clearly referenced this piece of academic writing academically lays out my justification for which social pressures have the greatest effect on the publics mentality.
The second, the raw embodiment of the mentality it was written. My dissertation in material form, a manifestation closer to my original vision. Designed to embody its own narrative, this publication mirrors a message of environmentalism’s innate state of change. Upon first inspection a hardback book with a gilded inscription delicately sat on its cover, a model of traditional book design. This a metaphor for changing appearance of environmentalism as within this republishing consists of 46 pages, each distinctly unique, each designed as a patch of protest aesthetic.

An analysis of the development of environmental movements’ use of social design.

“In a given society, at a given moment, there is a range of policies politically
acceptable to the mainstream.”
(Giridharadas, 2019)

“In 2019 the public woke up to the climate crisis. When will the Politicians?”
(Buranyi, S., 2019).

Patch :

Each page to be individually sown to the spine, allowing the user to cut free a single patch. In one motion; inviting the user to embrace an act of protest and persist on with the fight. For the patches to achieve their full circle of life, they can be worn, rallied in, and destroyed. Each patch made purely of natural materials will biodegrade. Each page’s final form is that of one sown, clipped or pinned to protest clothing to be worn at actions and demonstations.

Great Britain - New Zealand