Taken by Douglas Ponsonby @ The April & November rebellions 2019

Poster Designs for Kingston XR group by Douglas Ponsonby
In 2018, I trained as a legal observer (LO), covering protest law and conflict resolution. What became immediately prevalent during the LO training was that a huge amount of the information that I learnt during the training should be common knowledge.
It was upon this realisation that I decided the most effective way to proceed with my project would be to produce a guide to modern protest.

The most important thing about the protest book then became its durability. If a protest goes sideways, there is a high chance of water cannons or pepper spray being used. Both of these would destroy a normal paper book.
I began looking into different methods of printing and paper coating so that the publication would be 100% water proof in event of a fray.
During my search, I came across a company called 'ToughPrint', who make and sell waterproof paper that is compatible with ink-jet printers.

Contained on the final pages are Bust cards. These are cards produced by legal observers. They differ from protest to protest but largely contain the same information. They advise people of their basic rights as well as provide people with advice on the best way to behave when in police custody.
They have lists of well versed protest laywers and they also contain the rules for proper police protocol when conducting a stop and search. Bust cards tend to be handed to people being arrested at protests, they are often put in the mouths of protesters that are hand-cuffed or being carried away.

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